Listed Building: THE FOUNDRY (1057518)

Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 375, 4, 111
Date assigned 21 December 1984
Date last amended
Date revoked
ST OLD CLEEVE CP ROADWATER 4/111 The Foundry - II House. Dated 1864. Rendered over rubble, bitumen covered slate roof, overhanging eaves, soffit board, decorative brackets, moulded brick stacks gable ends. Double pile plan, gable end onto road. Entrance front gable end, 2 and a half storeys, 2 bays; two 9-pane windows attic storey, first floor C20 louvred glass window left, blocked opening right, groundfloor 9 pane window to left of central entrance, gabled porch, arched opening carried on decorative brackets, panelled door. In apex of gable male bust wearing double breasted suit with 3 rows of buttons, the initials E N and date 1864 below. Right return, garden front, 2 storeys, 3 bays, 12 pane sash windows, central arched opening and single storey 3 bay wooden verandah with plastic sheeting roof. Listing NGR: ST0374739062

This Exmoor HER designation record includes a list entry description which is Crown Copyright and was provided by Historic England on 15/08/2005 licensed under the Open Government Licence. See link below for up to date list entry data on the National Heritage List for England.

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Grid reference Centred ST 03747 39065 (13m by 12m)
Map sheet ST03NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)