Listed Building: MYRTLE COTTAGE (1345408)

Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 1076, 22, 86
Date assigned 22 May 1969
Date last amended
Date revoked
SELWORTHY CP 558947 BOSSINGTON 22/86 Myrtle Cottage 22.5.69 GV II Semi-detached cottage. Possibly C17, extensively altered early-mid C19. Slobbered rubble, triple ridge tile roof, stepped lateral stack with rebuilt circular stone cap. Plan: recessed centre, probably 3-cell and cross passage. One and a half storeys, 1:2:1 bays; all depressed ogee headed leaded casements, 2-light dormer windows in outer bays, centre two 2-light windows below eaves, ground floor C20 2-light casement left, 3 and 4-light casements flanking recessed centre, triple ridge tile pentice porch abutting lateral stack, Tudor arch head doorway, stable-type door. (Photograph in NMR). Listing NGR: SS8975747968

This Exmoor HER designation record includes a list entry description which is Crown Copyright and was provided by Historic England on 15/08/2005 licensed under the Open Government Licence. See link below for up to date list entry data on the National Heritage List for England.

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Grid reference Centred SS 89746 47971 (14m by 11m)
Map sheet SS84NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)