Source/Archive record SEM8809 - Anno Quinquagesimo Quinto Georgii III. Regis: C A P CXXXVIII. An Act for vesting in his Majesty certain Parts of the Forest of Exmoor otherwise Exmore, in the Counties of Somerset and Devon; and for inclosing the said Forest

Type Article in monograph
Title Anno Quinquagesimo Quinto Georgii III. Regis: C A P CXXXVIII. An Act for vesting in his Majesty certain Parts of the Forest of Exmoor otherwise Exmore, in the Counties of Somerset and Devon; and for inclosing the said Forest
Date/Year Unknown
Monograph Title Unknown
Publisher Unknown
Editor Unknown
Exmoor National Park Authority Archived file
ENPA project name Simonsbath

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


Pages 1201-1235 of an unknown monograph, which details of the 1815 Act of Inclosure for the Forest of Exmoor

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Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Exmoor Royal Forest (Monument)

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Record last edited

Sep 19 2023 2:10PM